We have a full and shortened version of  Moonlight Sonata Guitar Tab by Beethoven available for you to download. The shortened version includes the most famous section that you will recognise from film and TV.

Both versions come with a video play through to help you learn the song.

As well as classical fingerstyle tabs we also have a collection of pop/rock fingerstyle covers that you can download for free. Our most popular is The Beatles Fingerstyle Guitar Tab Collection. It includes our versions of Yesterday, Let It Be, Something and Blackbird. There is an easy and full version of each song so you can start playing your favourite Beatles songs straightaway.

We release a new classical fingerstyle guitar tab  and pop/rock fingerstyle guitar tab every week. When you sign up to our mailing list this is emailed straight to your inbox. 

You can keep up to date with our new fingerstyle tabs on our Facebook and Twitter pages.


Sarabande Guitar Tab

Beethoven – MoonLight Sonata GUITAR TAB – FULL VERSION

Beethoven – Moonlight Sonata GUITAR TAB – MAIN SECTION